LLMs to transform data @javisantana

I transform data every day and I usually do 2 kinds of transformations, changing the data format so I can use it in a tool (CSV to parquet) or the shape of it, like running an aggregation so I can understand it. I’m using LLMs more and more for this because it saves me a lot of time (and it’s cool)

I see two approaches for using LLMs to transform data:

Asking to transform the data and output it

cat file | llm —system "transform the data into <format>"

Asking to generate code to transform the data

cat file | llm —system "generate a python code to transform this data into <format>" > trasform.py && \
python trasform.py file > transformed

If you don’t know what the llm command is, please, go to check the fantastic llm cli tool from

The second one has many benefits:

The code will run way faster, LLMs are still slow compared to regular CPUs

The transformation can be audited and fixed

Let’s test it. I have a file with NMEA records. NMEA according to Wikipedia “is a combined electrical and data specification for communication between marine electronics such as echo sounder, sonars, anemometer, gyrocompass, autopilot, GPS receivers and many other types of instruments”. if NMEA was invented today, it would have been NDJSON but at that time machines were sending data through a 9600 bauds per second comm line.

Anyway, I have some data I got from my car’s GPS (which still send the info using NMEA these days), filter RMC sentences (the ones that have the coordinates) and pipe into the llm command (using gemini-2.0 code execution). This would be the command (I shortened it for clarity)

head -n 40 cheste_fixed.nmea | grep RMC | llm  -m gemini-2.0-flash-exp -o code_execution 1 --system "write and EXECUTE a program to parse that data and generate ndjson with lat, lon, time and speed attributes. No explanations, just write and execute"

import json
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

data = """

def parse_nmea(line):
    match = re.match(r'\$GPRMC,([\d.]+),A,([\d.]+),([NS]),([\d.]+),([EW]),([\d.]+),([\d.]+),(\d+),,', line)
    if match:
      time_str, lat_str, lat_dir, lon_str, lon_dir, speed_str, _, date_str = match.groups()

      time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str+ time_str.split(".")[0], "%d%m%y%H%M%S")

      lat = float(lat_str[:2]) + float(lat_str[2:]) / 60.0
      if lat_dir == 'S':
          lat = -lat
      lon = float(lon_str[:3]) + float(lon_str[3:]) / 60.0
      if lon_dir == 'W':
         lon = -lon

      speed = float(speed_str) * 1.852

      return {
          "lat": lat,
          "lon": lon,
          "time": time_obj.isoformat(),
          "speed": speed
    return None

parsed_data = []
for line in data.strip().splitlines():
  parsed_line = parse_nmea(line)
  if parsed_line:

for item in parsed_data:

{"lat": 39.48364, "lon": -0.630955, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:33", "speed": 149.4564}
{"lat": 39.483885, "lon": -0.6304666666666667, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:34", "speed": 155.568}
{"lat": 39.48415833333333, "lon": -0.629975, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:35", "speed": 173.162}
{"lat": 39.48441833333333, "lon": -0.6294983333333334, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:36", "speed": 177.9772}
{"lat": 39.48466666666667, "lon": -0.6290183333333333, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:37", "speed": 177.9772}
{"lat": 39.48491666666666, "lon": -0.628515, "time": "2023-09-16T17:26:38", "speed": 179.27360000000002}

It feels like it did the right transformation (indeed, checking the data, it’s accurate). Just in case you are checking the data carefully, speed attribute feels like to high but it’s a car in a race track, so it’s expected.

But how could we make sure it’s doing it right? let’s use what we have been using in software development for years: tests. So let’s ask the LLM to generate not just the transform, but also the test.

$ head -n 10  ~/Downloads/lap_timer/cheste_fixed.nmea | grep RMC | llm  -m gemini-2.0-flash-exp -o code_execution 1 --system "write and EXECUTE a program to parse that data and generate ndjson with lat, lon, time and speed attributes. Also write the code that transforms the output back to original format and check the transformation back. No explanations, just write and execute"

import json
import pynmea2
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

nmea_data = """$GPRMC,172633.00,A,3929.0184,N,00037.8573,W,80.7,54.1,160923,,*22

def parse_nmea_to_ndjson(nmea_str):
  ndjson_output = []
  for line in nmea_str.strip().splitlines():
      msg = pynmea2.parse(line)
      if isinstance(msg, pynmea2.RMC):
          time_obj = datetime.combine(msg.datestamp, msg.timestamp)
              "lat": msg.latitude,
              "lon": msg.longitude,
              "time": time_obj.isoformat(),
              "speed": msg.spd_over_grnd
    except pynmea2.ParseError:
      print(f"Could not parse: {line}")
  return "\n".join(ndjson_output)

def transform_ndjson_to_nmea(ndjson_str):
    nmea_output = []
    for line in ndjson_str.strip().splitlines():
            data = json.loads(line)
            time_obj = datetime.fromisoformat(data['time'])
            nmea_time = time_obj.strftime("%H%M%S.%f")[:-3]
            nmea_date = time_obj.strftime("%d%m%y")

            lat_deg = int(abs(data['lat']))
            lat_min = (abs(data['lat']) - lat_deg) * 60
            lat_dir = "N" if data['lat'] >= 0 else "S"

            lon_deg = int(abs(data['lon']))
            lon_min = (abs(data['lon']) - lon_deg) * 60
            lon_dir = "E" if data['lon'] >= 0 else "W"
            nmea_speed = data['speed']
            nmea_str = f"$GPRMC,{nmea_time},A,{lat_deg}{lat_min:.4f},{lat_dir},{lon_deg}{lon_min:.4f},{lon_dir},{nmea_speed:.1f},{nmea_speed:.1f},{nmea_date},,"
            checksum = 0
            for char in nmea_str[1:]:
                checksum ^= ord(char)
            nmea_str += f"*{hex(checksum)[2:].upper()}"
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            print(f"Could not decode json: {line}")
    return "\n".join(nmea_output)

ndjson_data = parse_nmea_to_ndjson(nmea_data)
print("NDJSON output:")

nmea_transformed = transform_ndjson_to_nmea(ndjson_data)
print("\nTransformed back to NMEA:")

print("\nOriginal NMEA:")

def check_transformation(original, transformed):
    original_lines = original.strip().splitlines()
    transformed_lines = transformed.strip().splitlines()

    if len(original_lines) != len(transformed_lines):
        print("Number of lines do not match.")
        return False
    for orig_line, trans_line in zip(original_lines, transformed_lines):
            orig_msg = pynmea2.parse(orig_line)
            trans_msg = pynmea2.parse(trans_line)
            if not isinstance(orig_msg, pynmea2.RMC) or not isinstance(trans_msg, pynmea2.RMC):
                print("Message type is incorrect.")
                return False

            if not (abs(orig_msg.latitude - trans_msg.latitude) < 0.00001 and
                   abs(orig_msg.longitude - trans_msg.longitude) < 0.00001 and
                   abs(orig_msg.spd_over_grnd - trans_msg.spd_over_grnd) < 0.0001 and
                   orig_msg.timestamp == trans_msg.timestamp and
                   orig_msg.datestamp == trans_msg.datestamp
                print(f"Original: {orig_msg}")
                return False
        except pynmea2.ParseError:
            print(f"Could not parse: {orig_line} or {trans_line}")
            return False
    print("Transformation check passed!")
    return True

check_transformation(nmea_data, nmea_transformed)

ExecuteCode failed: MODULE_NOT_FOUND.
msg_err: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 3, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynmea2'

It fails to run because of the pynmea2 but if you run it locally it manages to do it. So running that self-test gives us some confidence about the transformation function and I’d trust it to be in a pull requests.

BTW, using the first approach also work, at least for gemini 2.0 it manages to transform NMEA to JSON right, but it take way more time than generating the script (as expected)