Barefoot Navigation @javisantana

I’m enthusiastic about barefoot navigation, but far from dogmatic. Being in awe of the natural world does not preclude me from admiring the accomplishments of science. Satellite navigation systems are the only practical application of Einstein’s theories of relativity; they work because the clocks in satellites tick faster than the clock in your receiver by 38 microseconds a day… Think about that. In its day, Charles Babbage’s concept of the mechanical computer for calculating navigation tables was equally impressive but sat-nav actually works and has become universal Nor am I a vegan-style purist: I lose no sleep over the notion that a Cessna 340 landing in the distance creates a horizon event, which hints at a course-to-steer for landfall. It does not have to be a blue-footed booby nest-bound to feed the fledglings.

Barefoot navigation, Jack Lagan

(I don’t think the 38 microseconds thing is true, but the point is still valid)